Mikel Irijalba – Hirudi
Mikel Irijalba from Hirudi Sistemas 3D, a company that specializes in additive manufacturing technologies, chose Meltio wire laser metal 3D printing solutions for several reasons. Firstly, the price of the parts is lower compared to other technologies, and the price of the system itself is also affordable. Additionally, Meltio offers good density and metal integrity in the printed parts, with the ability to easily switch between different materials. The positive aspects of Meltio's technology include faster production times, ease of use, open material platform, and continuous software improvement. However, there are some aspects that could be improved, such as repeatability of parts, laser alignment system, material feeding system, and protection of internal parts. Meltio technology is improving industrial processes by replacing traditional manufacturing methods, but challenges still exist with regards to regulation and positioning of parts. One significant saving was achieved with Meltio technology in the production of an air diffuser, where the cost was significantly lower compared to traditional manufacturing methods. Hirudi would like to collaborate with Meltio by providing support to clients in their region, as well as helping to improve the usability and functionality of the machines. They are interested in applications in automation, mold manufacturing, and personalized machine production. In the short and medium term, they expect Meltio to increase the deposition ratio, provide more technical information, offer a larger machine size, and expand the range of materials. Contact details: Phone 93404337, Email
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