Linus Häggblom

Ladies and Gentlemen, hold onto your 3D printed hats because we’re about to introduce a man who embodies the spirit of Swedish innovation so thoroughly, you might mistake him for a Finnish design icon. Meet Linus Häggblom, the Regional Channel Sales Manager for Northern Europe at Formlabs, who has been making the world of tech a better place, one 3D printer at a time.

With a career that's as layered as a finely printed 3D object, Linus has navigated the high seas of tech from the rocky shores of Åland to the sophisticated landscapes of Stockholm. His journey is a testament to what happens when you mix Swedish practicality with a dash of Nordic mystery. Linus isn't just a master of sales, strategic planning, and channel strategy; he's also a connoisseur of languages, wielding English, Swedish, and just enough Danish and Norwegian to be dangerous in most of Scandinavia.

But what truly sets Linus apart isn't just his ability to sell 3D printers like hotcakes in a winter market. It's his profound dedication to helping partners and customers not just to succeed but to excel in their 3D printing endeavors. From the trenches of advertising sales in Åland, where every islander now likely has a 3D printed mailbox, to the sophisticated corridors of Formlabs, Linus has been the beacon of innovation and the very model of a modern major general in the 3D printing world.

His secret sauce? A mix of relentless optimism, deep technical know-how, and the mysterious ability to navigate the complex ecosystem of tech sales with the grace of a Swedish elk. Linus has helped build key account structures from scratch, turned presales and aftersales into an art form, and even dabbled in HR and work safety because, well, someone's got to ensure that the 3D printers don't start a revolution.

As we welcome Linus to the stage, be prepared to dive deep into the realms of additive manufacturing and 3D printing, where he'll share insights gleaned from years of experience, sprinkled with the occasional dad joke, because being "sooo Swedish" means never taking yourself too seriously. Strap in for a journey to the future of technology with a guide who's as reliable as a Volvo, as innovative as Spotify, and as uniquely Swedish as a midsummer night's dream.