Thingiverse has undergone a series of updates and improvements to enhance its features, functions, and usability. The most noticeable changes include a stylish and consistent design that matches the UltiMaker brand, revamped "Thing" and "Make" pages that are more intuitive, streamlined STL downloads, effortless navigation with direct jumping to headers, relocated comments for easier engagement, simplified collecting and sharing with a dedicated pop-up window, modular components for improved compatibility, and a modernized codebase for easier maintenance and addition of new features. Other updates include improved search functionality, the return of the customizer tool, seamless login, enhanced download analytics, mobile optimization, expanded moderation tools, spam reduction measures, updated information, improved support services and response times, and a changelog page to track updates. Thingiverse is committed to creating a user-friendly, collaborative, and secure hub for 3D printing users.
Contact details: Phone 93404337, Email